class Prometheus < Formula desc "Service monitoring system and time series database" homepage "" url "", :tag => "0.17.0", :revision => "e11fab35d76d19c5c49b7d85e28275f894d3ada4" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "a5bd980c21a17cc3144c6f926630a043524473c597187a819023fe17bb1151cd" => :el_capitan sha256 "de08265b7154e3b4036b2dc3a02902f6fe2ad6ae570e195bd1c3852f8658b4ec" => :yosemite sha256 "fc21c6a2a8e36b7154308afa4215616455579fc9b83023627f05920df88d90d0" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT"] = "1" mkdir_p buildpath/"src/" ln_sf buildpath, buildpath/"src/" system "make", "build" bin.install %w[promtool prometheus] libexec.install %w[consoles console_libraries] end test do (testpath/"rules.example").write <<-EOS.undent # Saving the per-job HTTP in-progress request count as a new set of time series: job:http_inprogress_requests:sum = sum(http_inprogress_requests) by (job) EOS system "#{bin}/promtool", "check-rules", testpath/"rules.example" end end