class Tomcat < Formula desc "Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages" homepage "" stable do url "" mirror "" sha256 "7e23260f2481aca88f89838e91cb9ff00548a28ba5a19a88ff99388c7ee9a9b8" depends_on :java => "1.7+" resource "fulldocs" do url "" mirror "" version "8.0.32" sha256 "b3a13d3c4a5de2970b8097117e2b8976c2a42d0fdb8492c116533e6e59a1c305" end end devel do url "" version "9.0.0.M3" sha256 "edde79fdd49649ffc2ce6b8c7a6b665b45a450629b60e78f436f3528570e9104" depends_on :java => "1.8+" resource "fulldocs" do url "" version "9.0.0.M3" sha256 "c430d0044823857099601d82afe0f15e715859dc17402f9ce7083d0647f63e9b" end end bottle :unneeded option "with-fulldocs", "Install full documentation locally" def install # Remove Windows scripts rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat"] # Install files prefix.install %w[ NOTICE LICENSE RELEASE-NOTES RUNNING.txt ] libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/bin/" => "catalina" (share/"fulldocs").install resource("fulldocs") if build.with? "fulldocs" end test do ENV["CATALINA_BASE"] = testpath cp_r Dir["#{libexec}/*"], testpath rm Dir["#{libexec}/logs/*"] pid = fork do exec bin/"catalina", "start" end sleep 3 begin system bin/"catalina", "stop" ensure Process.wait pid end File.exist? testpath/"logs/catalina.out" end end