class Clojurescript < Formula desc "Clojure to JS compiler" homepage "" url "" version "1.7.228" sha256 "c6cb68becc82dbcd3956a361d574abe7202f7b61cb8bd9d4ea31805a5910dc11" head "" bottle :unneeded def install libexec.install "cljs.jar" bin.write_jar_script libexec/"cljs.jar", "cljsc" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This formula is useful if you need to use the ClojureScript compiler directly. For a more integrated workflow, Leiningen with lein-cljsbuild is recommended. EOS end test do (testpath/"t.cljs").write <<-EOF.undent (ns hello) (defn ^:export greet [n] (str "Hello " n)) EOF system "#{bin}/cljsc", testpath/"t.cljs" end end