require 'formula' class Hexchat < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'f19248e8d255cf463d5c0eba3e3df02a431f3911' head '' depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'automake' => :build depends_on 'autoconf' => :build depends_on 'libtool' => :build depends_on :python => :recommended depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'gtk+' depends_on :x11 option 'without-perl', 'Build without Perl support' option 'without-plugins', 'Build without plugin support' def install args = %W[--prefix=#{prefix} --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-openssl --disable-xlib] # Fails on 32-bit core solo without this args << "--disable-mmx" unless MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << "--disable-python" unless build.with? "python" args << "--disable-perl" if build.include? "without-perl" args << "--disable-plugin" if build.include? "without-plugins" # Build fails because of a conflict with the system 'strptime', # so rename the function inreplace "src/fe-gtk/banlist.c" do |s| s.gsub! "strptime", "_strptime" end # The locations of the gettext dependencies are hardcoded, so copy them gettext = Formula.factory('gettext').opt_prefix/'share/gettext' cp_r ["#{gettext}/intl", "#{gettext}/po"], "." system "autoreconf -vi" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" rm_rf share/"applications" end end