class Libarchive < Formula desc "Multi-format archive and compression library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "72ee1a4e3fd534525f13a0ba1aa7b05b203d186e0c6072a8a4738649d0b3cfd2" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "1196858d90db42d9171175d616ed3c58ec2d4e4895d684f1c163a7ae9eb19a19" => :sierra sha256 "6ef9838a7fda2a6ffacf250a29a1ce5fb9a71072f6c02b134c464096d6514491" => :el_capitan sha256 "f79d996c549f190b3225dbef988824afdec92cdcd76e39faae3ac2e67731d34f" => :yosemite sha256 "a702d412a72902bfec4c7093673d9df7e7a6df819a73aa1ccec5f074685d30eb" => :mavericks end keg_only :provided_by_osx depends_on "xz" => :recommended depends_on "lz4" => :optional depends_on "lzop" => :optional def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-lzo2", # Use lzop binary instead of lzo2 due to GPL "--without-nettle", # xar hashing option but GPLv3 "--without-xml2", # xar hashing option but tricky dependencies "--without-openssl", # mtree hashing now possible without OpenSSL "--with-expat" # best xar hashing option system "make", "install" # Just as apple does it. ln_s bin/"bsdtar", bin/"tar" ln_s bin/"bsdcpio", bin/"cpio" ln_s man1/"bsdtar.1", man1/"tar.1" ln_s man1/"bsdcpio.1", man1/"cpio.1" end test do (testpath/"test").write("test") system bin/"bsdtar", "-czvf", "test.tar.gz", "test" assert_match /test/, shell_output("#{bin}/bsdtar -xOzf test.tar.gz") end end