require 'formula' class Distribute < Formula url '' sha1 '55b15037f2222828496a96f38447c0fa0228df85' end class Pypy < Formula homepage '' url '' version '2.0.2' sha1 'a53de7bc88b9caa635d9d679c6e63813881ea7e9' depends_on :arch => :x86_64 def install rmtree 'site-packages' prefix.install Dir['*'] # Post-install, fix up the site-packages and install-scripts folders # so that user-installed Python software survives minor updates, such # as going from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. # Create a site-packages in the prefix. prefix_site_packages.mkpath # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar. ln_s prefix_site_packages, prefix+'site-packages' # Tell distutils-based installers where to put scripts scripts_folder.mkpath (distutils+"distutils.cfg").write <<-EOF.undent [install] install-scripts=#{scripts_folder} EOF # Install distribute. The user can then do: # $ easy_install pip # $ pip install --upgrade distribute # to get newer versions of distribute outside of Homebrew. do system "#{bin}/pypy", "", "install" end # Symlink to easy_install_pypy. unless (scripts_folder+'easy_install_pypy').exist? ln_s "#{scripts_folder}/easy_install", "#{scripts_folder}/easy_install_pypy" end # Symlink to pip_pypy. unless (scripts_folder+'pip_pypy').exist? ln_s "#{scripts_folder}/pip", "#{scripts_folder}/pip_pypy" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent A "distutils.cfg" has been written to: #{distutils} specifing the install-scripts folder as: #{scripts_folder} If you install Python packages via "pypy install", easy_install, pip, any provided scripts will go into the install-scripts folder above, so you may want to add it to your PATH. Distribute has been installed, so easy_install is available. To update distribute itself outside of Homebrew: #{scripts_folder}/easy_install pip #{scripts_folder}/pip install --upgrade distribute See: EOS end # The HOMEBREW_PREFIX location of site-packages def prefix_site_packages HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"lib/pypy/site-packages" end # Where distribute will install executable scripts def scripts_folder HOMEBREW_PREFIX+"share/pypy" end # The Cellar location of distutils def distutils prefix+"lib-python/2.7/distutils" end end