require "language/haskell" class Elm < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Functional programming language for building browser-based GUIs" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "ea4ff37ec6a1bfb8876e7a9b2aa0755df9ac92f5e5c8bfcc611b1886fb06bb13" resource "elm-package" do url "" sha256 "1cac7d27415a4d36d7b1c7260953e0c7b006e7cbb24d5bdb3b0d440d375a8bf5" end resource "elm-make" do url "" sha256 "ed2eb38ee3d41307751b9df4fd464987c7cdd96413a907b800923af8a25a8c15" end resource "elm-repl" do url "" sha256 "ea89a6cccd546e26c6af12bd35b886bfa666888323596c60168013acf67fe2e4" end resource "elm-reactor" do url "" sha256 "fd105180b92364c3ba8df58bfa88306adb8a21074786267ab1eaa634777ded7f" end end bottle do sha256 "af4973a6501741e69289163297cb1f3f20f1837dbca7c38ca8fc7cf8116a8460" => :el_capitan sha256 "8e768f845671c3e83197abd99cb4e07bea0c2cdaa293023fe27fbb7b5f90cb19" => :yosemite sha256 "631587361e3e35dbd6677de2c6b580bd88b5ed04835c8b6ca763649d98579da7" => :mavericks end head do url "" resource "elm-package" do url "" end resource "elm-make" do url "" end resource "elm-repl" do url "" end resource "elm-reactor" do url "" end end depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "cabal-install" => :build setup_ghc_compilers def install # elm-compiler needs to be staged in a subdirectory for the build process to succeed (buildpath/"elm-compiler").install Dir["*"] extras_no_reactor = ["elm-package", "elm-make", "elm-repl"] extras = extras_no_reactor + ["elm-reactor"] extras.each do |extra| resource(extra).stage buildpath/extra end cabal_sandbox do system "cabal", "sandbox", "add-source", "elm-compiler", *extras cabal_install "--only-dependencies", "elm-compiler", *extras cabal_install "--prefix=#{prefix}", "elm-compiler", *extras_no_reactor # elm-reactor needs to be installed last because of a post-build dependency on elm-make ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin cabal_install "--prefix=#{prefix}", "elm-reactor" end cabal_clean_lib end test do src_path = testpath/"Hello.elm" src_path.write <<-EOS.undent import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello, world!" EOS system bin/"elm", "package", "install", "evancz/elm-html", "--yes" out_path = testpath/"index.html" system bin/"elm", "make", src_path, "--output=#{out_path}" assert File.exist?(out_path) end end