require 'formula' class Ganglia < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b06529ac49deb1f1c65c6215b8d2d13c3f3fa23f' conflicts_with 'coreutils', :because => 'both install `gstat` binaries' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build # to find APR depends_on 'confuse' depends_on 'pcre' depends_on 'rrdtool' def patches # fixes build on Leopard and newer, which lack kvm.h and its corresponding /dev/ node {:p0 => [ "" ]} end def install # ENV var needed to confirm putting the config in the prefix until 3.2 ENV['GANGLIA_ACK_SYSCONFDIR'] = '1' system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sbindir=#{bin}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--with-gmetad", "--with-libpcre=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" system "make install" # Generate the default config file system "#{bin}/gmond -t > #{etc}/gmond.conf" unless File.exist? "#{etc}/gmond.conf" # Install man pages man1.install Dir['mans/*'] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If you didn't have a default config file, one was created here: #{etc}/gmond.conf EOS end end