require "language/haskell" class GitAnnex < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Manage files with git without checking in file contents" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dc59f670a3d0bdb90db8fc6cadba8003708219bb0dc3d56867a9246d825c0d11" head "git://" bottle do revision 2 sha256 "1a6e76b4cbaa7c2eac95a79fc9f3a948dde4381cd1b76b1a9826e3329d29104b" => :el_capitan sha256 "9659d18566c349478235e04c5dcf2606a8630617bc777387889fe4f9f260c08a" => :yosemite sha256 "35becaff87bf133d5f9cd154287cb0e71086ee77a287f3182b85f9ad46cd6da0" => :mavericks end option "with-git-union-merge", "Build the git-union-merge tool" depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gsasl" depends_on "libidn" depends_on "gnutls" depends_on "quvi" def install install_cabal_package :using => ["alex", "happy", "c2hs"], :flags => ["Webapp"] do # this can be made the default behavior again once git-union-merge builds properly when bottling if build.with? "git-union-merge" system "make", "git-union-merge", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" bin.install "git-union-merge" system "make", "git-union-merge.1", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end end bin.install_symlink "git-annex" => "git-annex-shell" end test do # make sure git can find git-annex ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin # We don't want this here or it gets "caught" by git-annex. rm_r "Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth" system "git", "init" system "git", "annex", "init" (testpath/"Hello.txt").write "Hello!" assert !File.symlink?("Hello.txt") assert_match "add Hello.txt ok", shell_output("git annex add .") system "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Initial Commit" assert File.symlink?("Hello.txt") # The steps below are necessary to ensure the directory cleanly deletes. # git-annex guards files in a way that isn't entirely friendly of automatically # wiping temporary directories in the way `brew test` does at end of execution. system "git", "rm", "Hello.txt", "-f" system "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "Farewell!" system "git", "annex", "unused" assert_match "dropunused 1 ok", shell_output("git annex dropunused 1 --force") system "git", "annex", "uninit" end end