class Nspr < Formula desc "Platform-neutral API for system-level and libc-like functions" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e0b10a1e569153668ff8bdea6c7e491b389fab69c2f18285a1ebf7c2ea4269de" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "344f8eb1ee403109ddd2c30f4874c936026b10ee008a856bb168125946c8a79c" => :el_capitan sha256 "92a39fd2483db74226ae083ac3bed78c573f55d57ca0ef083e2c28b367e56c0e" => :yosemite sha256 "03382846cbd142a72bbb3891537a50d4ef3e4e45e1cfba9e89748dd74323be60" => :mavericks end keg_only <<-EOS.undent Having this library symlinked makes Firefox pick it up instead of built-in, so it then randomly crashes without meaningful explanation. Please see for details. EOS def install ENV.deparallelize cd "nspr" do # Fixes a bug with linking against CoreFoundation, needed to work with SpiderMonkey # See: target_frameworks = (Hardware::CPU.is_32_bit? || MacOS.version <= :leopard) ? "-framework Carbon" : "" inreplace "pr/src/", "-framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation", target_frameworks args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-strip --with-pthreads --enable-ipv6 --enable-macos-target=#{MacOS.version} ] args << "--enable-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./configure", *args # Remove the broken (for anyone but Firefox) install_name inreplace "config/", "-install_name @executable_path/$@ ", "-install_name #{lib}/$@ " system "make" system "make", "install" (bin/"").unlink (bin/"").unlink end end end