class Redland < Formula desc "RDF Library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "de1847f7b59021c16bdc72abb4d8e2d9187cd6124d69156f3326dd34ee043681" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "407f9f1bd2a8682684660826fce445077c33fe3e7f1bfb05e7c0e265e2edacfe" => :high_sierra sha256 "0ed03c897836946cbadf2e390bd25c79eeb6ad34ea1144ef69d8bf1dfbfaf2eb" => :sierra sha256 "38eac3bae25aa65cbb7b688ecfaae91ab79c0c292e7505596ffc3b409bc8ca3b" => :el_capitan sha256 "6047842b51137c968df4787bbfcf2080b4f32b73bb9d3412fa117ee9c1ff22d2" => :yosemite sha256 "06d1c7c81a9803ad37cd40303987b90456fb565f4305965388bc8faff54c6db7" => :mavericks sha256 "bbe8f82451695648adb66ab2766413e938f8f4ffdc318ba946e210d23e637dd2" => :mountain_lion end option "with-php", "Build with php support" option "with-ruby", "Build with ruby support" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "raptor" depends_on "rasqal" depends_on "unixodbc" depends_on "sqlite" => :recommended depends_on "berkeley-db" => :optional depends_on :python => :optional resource "bindings" do url "" sha256 "ff72b587ab55f09daf81799cb3f9d263708fad5df7a5458f0c28566a2563b7f5" end def install args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --with-mysql=no ] if build.with? "sqlite" args << "--with-sqlite=yes" else args << "--with-sqlite=no" end if build.with? "berkeley-db" args << "--with-bdb=#{Formula["berkeley-db"].opt_prefix}" else args << "--with-bdb=no" end system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" if %w[php python ruby].any? { |lang| build.with? lang } resource("bindings").stage do args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] if build.with? "php" args << "--with-php" args << "--with-php-linking=dylib" end if build.with? "ruby" `ruby --version` =~ /ruby (\d\.\d).\d \(.*\) \[(.*)\]/ ruby_install_dir = lib + "ruby/site_ruby/" + Regexp.last_match(1) ruby_arch_install_dir = ruby_install_dir + Regexp.last_match(2) ruby_install_dir.mkpath ruby_arch_install_dir.mkpath args << "--with-ruby" args << "--with-ruby-install-dir=#{ruby_install_dir}" args << "--with-ruby-arch-install-dir=#{ruby_arch_install_dir}" end if build.with? "python" ENV["PYTHON_LIB"] = lib/"python2.7/site-packages" args << "--with-python" end ENV.append_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "#{lib}/pkgconfig" system "./configure", *args if build.with? "php" php_extension_dir = lib + "php/extensions" php_extension_dir.mkpath inreplace "php/Makefile" do |s| s.change_make_var! "PHP_EXTENSION_DIR", php_extension_dir s.change_make_var! "phpdir", php_extension_dir end end system "make", "install" end end end def caveats s = "" if build.with? "php" s += <<-EOS.undent You may need to add the following line to php.ini: extension="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/php/extensions/redland.dylib" EOS end if build.with? "ruby" s += <<-EOS.undent You may need to add the Ruby bindings to your RUBYLIB from: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/ruby/site_ruby EOS end s.empty? ? nil : s end end