class XercesC < Formula desc "Validating XML parser" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dd6191f8aa256d3b4686b64b0544eea2b450d98b4254996ffdfe630e0c610413" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "fab62b22422c24b0218cae42f7f81ad736db316d9bde4218272cdf7b174c313f" => :mojave sha256 "e62fba2c06fd03edf0491b54f753d10c4ca9e73e97c24389b749e655f9199b50" => :high_sierra sha256 "8390cdf10fcc8b65a1f295eacf8b3fec34776d18219b8a8ce565592ee3b03372" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build def install ENV.cxx11 mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "ctest", "-V" system "make", "install" system "make", "clean" system "cmake", "..", "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF", *std_cmake_args system "make" lib.install Dir["src/*.a"] end # Remove a sample program that conflicts with libmemcached # on case-insensitive file systems (bin/"MemParse").unlink end test do (testpath/"ducks.xml").write <<~EOS Duck One EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/SAXCount #{testpath}/ducks.xml") assert_match "(6 elems, 1 attrs, 0 spaces, 37 chars)", output end end