class Xtensor < Formula desc "Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing" homepage "" url "" sha256 "52ac9081138d413485b9bf70376722f109ab32e5ed2ed3311257f5d7e9a88bc7" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "fc74f983037ca4a758d78dbde45f15c23a23bef89121445e9d34e333da0ba85d" => :mojave sha256 "12699f58693e800205659da72af462965efb3d305823df255b23d9b7e01bc7fb" => :high_sierra sha256 "12699f58693e800205659da72af462965efb3d305823df255b23d9b7e01bc7fb" => :sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build resource "xtl" do url "" sha256 "6f9d2f849e4dd8a36db1e62648ed1855a691991739119b0a73cd55084c6d28b2" end def install resource("xtl").stage do system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" end system "cmake", ".", "-Dxtl_DIR=#{lib}/cmake/xtl", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"").write <<~EOS #include #include "xtensor/xarray.hpp" #include "xtensor/xio.hpp" #include "xtensor/xview.hpp" int main() { xt::xarray arr1 {{11.0, 12.0, 13.0}, {21.0, 22.0, 23.0}, {31.0, 32.0, 33.0}}; xt::xarray arr2 {100.0, 200.0, 300.0}; xt::xarray res = xt::view(arr1, 1) + arr2; std::cout << res(2) << std::endl; return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++14", "", "-o", "test", "-I#{include}" assert_equal "323", shell_output("./test").chomp end end