require 'formula' class Ace < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '8dba7ced5d337c1073c0fc28d53e3869a9bd0048' def install # ACE has two methods of compilation, "traditional" and ./configure. # The "traditional" method has consistently given better results # for the last 5 years, so although awkward to use on OSX, we use # it anyway. # Figure out the names of the header and makefile for this version # of OSX and link those files to the standard names. name = '_' ln_sf "config-macosx-#{name}.h", "ace/config.h" ln_sf "platform_macosx_#{name}.GNU", "include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU" # Set up the environment the way ACE expects during build. ENV['ACE_ROOT'] = buildpath ENV['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "#{buildpath}/ace:#{buildpath}/lib" # Done! We go ahead and build. cd "ace" do system "make", "-f", "GNUmakefile.ACE", "INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix}", "LDFLAGS=", "DESTDIR=", "INST_DIR=/ace", "debug=0", "shared_libs=1", "static_libs=0", "install" end end end