class FreetdsAT091 < Formula desc "Libraries to talk to Microsoft SQL Server & Sybase" homepage "" url "" sha256 "be4f04ee57328c32e7e7cd7e2e1483e535071cec6101e46b9dd15b857c5078ed" bottle do sha256 "fbe4fd7ae0a297de1d74dc880b4cf188567f7f36d9d4677bb2b8af839da9d6aa" => :mojave sha256 "00870a22aefb2a8f0253b6a4657a02675eae56f37271c7142737e8b78cea7b46" => :high_sierra sha256 "ab0419c2290e4204524a74de3e652e8fae23b9d29dce793554c38c79a28be947" => :sierra sha256 "3e9bfe7bf16e71cc6a68e1296c4af381f40ccb68363edaf94f276393e05d8ac6" => :el_capitan sha256 "55b8960ca59ecc738e5973451195da1b4133eb0e31559454e87c5b1f103337bb" => :yosemite end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-msdblib", "Enable Microsoft behavior in the DB-Library API where it diverges from Sybase's" option "with-sybase-compat", "Enable close compatibility with Sybase's ABI, at the expense of other features" option "with-odbc-wide", "Enable odbc wide, prevent unicode - MemoryError's" option "with-krb5", "Enable Kerberos support" option "without-openssl", "Build without OpenSSL support (default is to use brewed OpenSSL)" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "openssl" => :recommended depends_on "unixodbc" => :optional def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --with-tdsver=7.1 --mandir=#{man} ] if build.with? "openssl" args << "--with-openssl=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix}" end if build.with? "unixodbc" args << "--with-unixodbc=#{Formula["unixodbc"].opt_prefix}" end # Translate formula's "--with" options to configuration script's "--enable" # options %w[msdblib sybase-compat odbc-wide krb5].each do |option| args << "--enable-#{option}" if build.with? option end system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.deparallelize # Or fails to install on multi-core machines system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/tsql", "-C" end end