class Mobiledevice < Formula desc "CLI for Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device Framework" homepage "" url "" sha256 "07b167f6103175c5eba726fd590266bf6461b18244d34ef6d05a51fc4871e424" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "e7cace974bdc389f01ff6ec4fb0719cc73bd56ff485045b209150bae2bdc1462" => :mojave sha256 "b848e30f816b76adea5e301e00123ac80a624db9461ef3a8b1324d84ad5d7c44" => :high_sierra sha256 "0ff270eba2d01738d98d3a3a1570c46f2d0cdee93317b5b448e44d85ef4163c3" => :sierra sha256 "6e7b8b74e3fe54132245a6f6720a77385c1a0185d6b2fdfbdb7391229e9e8b7a" => :el_capitan end # Upstream is pretty dead but this is a simple change # that permits building on newer versions of macOS. patch do url "" sha256 "adb46783a6cce1e988e2efd3440e2991ac5c5ce55f59b9049c9ccc2936ae8a02" end def install (buildpath/"").chmod 0555 system "make", "install", "CC=#{}", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end test do system "#{bin}/mobiledevice", "list_devices" end end