class WireguardTools < Formula desc "Tools for the WireGuard secure network tunnel" homepage "" # Please only update version when the tools have been modified/updated, # since the Linux module aspect isn't of utility for us. url "" sha256 "4a0488a07e40ec17e798f3e40a85cedf55f0560b1c3a8fd95806c7d4266cb0e8" head "", :using => :git bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7fe7977db39f2e23ca06f810df095be1aafe7d9ae8036f63461ec875d32fff17" => :mojave sha256 "1ca58502042ab38dc6b6a2bffefcb81057c69c74e25b6126b66853e6eb0236da" => :high_sierra sha256 "62578b64982b3496331ea9d9ba518819044e463e624c405c74c586f4b7445bdb" => :sierra end depends_on "bash" depends_on "wireguard-go" def install system "make", "BASHCOMPDIR=#{bash_completion}", "WITH_BASHCOMPLETION=yes", "WITH_WGQUICK=yes", "WITH_SYSTEMDUNITS=no", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "SYSCONFDIR=#{prefix}/etc", "-C", "src/tools", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/wg", "help" end end