class Minisign < Formula desc "Sign files & verify signatures. Works with signify in OpenBSD." homepage "" url "" sha256 "31162b0634367d9130a44a60bdaedac1f7abf466563aa4d7dcb9260fb73f07cc" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "65b7a36e3090ccc3bf36cf6e9db6d0f4bafddc02367a9708f8d8dd7ec3dca785" => :el_capitan sha256 "71e0499e55343f41e3a7761fb90085b8b7c72fcf3928c0685a3c7d69f7faa0d0" => :yosemite sha256 "ce86a3055695f8b760440702c240edd5166539caf99ebc8cf6b8d3f5ea17d487" => :mavericks end depends_on "libsodium" depends_on "cmake" => :build def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"homebrew.txt").write "Hello World!" (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn #{bin}/minisign -G expect -exact "Please enter a password to protect the secret key." expect -exact "\n" expect -exact "Password: " send -- "Homebrew\n" expect -exact "\r Password (one more time): " send -- "Homebrew\n" expect eof EOS chmod 0755, testpath/"" system "./" assert File.exist?("") assert File.exist?("minisign.key") (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn #{bin}/minisign -Sm homebrew.txt expect -exact "Password: " send -- "Homebrew\n" expect eof EOS chmod 0755, testpath/"" system "./" assert File.exist?("homebrew.txt.minisig") end end