class Nu < Formula desc "Object-oriented, Lisp-like programming language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c7489c9dad1e24ee6cf7e70e5c31f4c891aba0793e8a00c4fc7e6b23d96fccc4" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "f8ece82e0e6953a6146cff31a3758896119cc9984190d94a7a8e5e6eaa4f6062" => :sierra sha256 "8dd2d00bb135201774ef6a1c8ca54711d77e835170368ac6a82d2f008ea9cbc5" => :el_capitan sha256 "6582e9e393f82aa0936941602cd82f1a1546f6a602e57599330c5b5930296e39" => :yosemite end depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on "pcre" fails_with :gcc do build 5666 cause "nu only builds with clang" end def install ENV.delete("SDKROOT") if MacOS.version < :sierra ENV["PREFIX"] = prefix inreplace "Nukefile" do |s| s.gsub!('(SH "sudo ', '(SH "') # don't use sudo to install s.gsub!("\#{@destdir}/Library/Frameworks", "\#{@prefix}/Frameworks") s.sub! /^;; source files$/, <<-EOS ;; source files (set @framework_install_path "#{frameworks}") EOS end system "make" system "./mininush", "tools/nuke" bin.mkdir lib.mkdir include.mkdir system "./mininush", "tools/nuke", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Nu.framework was installed to: #{frameworks}/Nu.framework You may want to symlink this Framework to a standard macOS location, such as: ln -s "#{frameworks}/Nu.framework" /Library/Frameworks EOS end test do system bin/"nush", "-e", '(puts "Everything old is Nu again.")' end end