class Mono < Formula desc "Cross platform, open source .NET development framework" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fc53c825b8f1e83eaa52a681410261a5b0ac47d36ffd2b58581c476c2690933f" # xbuild requires the .exe files inside the runtime directories to # be executable skip_clean "lib/mono" bottle do revision 1 sha256 "58a84b443f8cf3eac731d87ce8d484fec90ddf43b44b51854a6186d11b53daee" => :yosemite sha256 "7bb30673b0de1d41980da3527f55db7e453da66b0673a5a5c93c464426716db8" => :mavericks sha256 "3a3c35b4bdafc31607fabedece5caa8200ed1deca321bfaeca3869560d6e3d0e" => :mountain_lion end resource "monolite" do url "" sha256 "1529edbf34ebe498d315464e1211e65531ba25c492ba678a5bb079986a784131" end def install # a working mono is required for the the build - monolite is enough # for the job (buildpath+"mcs/class/lib/monolite").install resource("monolite") args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-nls=no ] args << "--build=" + (MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "x86_64": "i686") + "-apple-darwin" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" # and are meant to be loaded by gdb, not to be # run directly, so we move them out of bin libexec.install bin/"", bin/"" end test do test_str = "Hello Homebrew" test_name = "hello.cs" (testpath/test_name).write <<-EOS.undent public class Hello1 { public static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("#{test_str}"); } } EOS shell_output "#{bin}/mcs #{test_name}" output = shell_output "#{bin}/mono hello.exe" assert_match test_str, output.strip # Tests that xbuild is able to execute lib/mono/*/mcs.exe (testpath/"test.csproj").write <<-EOS.undent HomebrewMonoTest v4.5 EOS shell_output "#{bin}/xbuild test.csproj" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To use the assemblies from other formulae you need to set: export MONO_GAC_PREFIX="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" EOS end end