class NordugridArc < Formula desc "Grid computing middleware" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d7306d91b544eeba571ede341e43760997c46d4ccdacc8b785c64f594780a9d1" bottle do sha256 "acfeacf8f5c913e7f7323be53fbbb8e3100fdc6f36455eea6dc9a987e10c4a64" => :high_sierra sha256 "d216048cdcf93d89caef1a7263e532577e1684dc3217b830ec80b5f61ab175c4" => :sierra sha256 "c78502aa7927d0376c4f3fed72d7fa258f19d26faaaf302ca5c2cbb17a36cdf2" => :el_capitan sha256 "121eb7d254c13ae76dada8ba27922dc1dc0b160b2f9fd2c45755c02d6ed67610" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "glib" depends_on "glibmm" depends_on "libxml2" depends_on "globus-toolkit" needs :cxx11 # build fails on Mavericks due to a clang compiler bug # and bottling also fails if gcc is being used due to conflicts between # libc++ and libstdc++ depends_on MinimumMacOSRequirement => :yosemite # bug filed upstream at patch do url "" sha256 "5561ea013ddd03ee4f72437f2e01f22b2c0cac2806bf837402724be281ac2b6d" end fails_with :clang do build 500 cause "Fails with 'template specialization requires \"template<>\"'" end def install ENV.cxx11 system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-swig", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"foo").write("data") system "#{bin}/arccp", "foo", "bar" end end