class Precomp < Formula desc "Command-line precompressor to achieve better compression" homepage "" url "" sha256 "673b9ceb0df62abb5ef12ab0600a18fc3b82003cc9af5e1cc2f196237ed350d3" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "83f6d3eec9ce5b05a5cc7197e89fc6fe968c7ecb71c795343ead7ec98edcf758" => :high_sierra sha256 "93eaa1f454f3af8d1c9872c263e3e67b56aac5e6772a65ccce8c9ec493c6989c" => :sierra sha256 "62c8a72958b6fa8ef0208560ff0ad6abf187aae842715bb84cddb21d46a69d35" => :el_capitan end def install # Seems like Yosemite does not like the -s flag inreplace "Makefile", " -s ", " " system "make" bin.install "precomp" end test do cp "#{bin}/precomp", testpath/"precomp" system "gzip", "-1", testpath/"precomp" system "#{bin}/precomp", testpath/"precomp.gz" rm testpath/"precomp.gz", :force => true system "#{bin}/precomp", "-r", testpath/"precomp.pcf" system "gzip", "-d", testpath/"precomp.gz" end end