class Awk < Formula desc "Text processing scripting language" homepage "" url "" version "20121220" sha256 "8dc092165c5a4e1449f964286483d06d0dbfba4b0bd003cb5dab30de8f6d9b83" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "40dbcdf8549b662e7775074fe8c172f364862705b0c0ba00495c2da6e1440a70" => :sierra sha256 "593cdb489ae25ec556af3a02e26b957efc3a67731f8edf48335a994fa58d533e" => :el_capitan sha256 "d74b6dc04cd9dac3791216744a56813b8396c419f325244526c79c433ca95b3d" => :yosemite end conflicts_with "gawk", :because => "both install awk executables." def install ENV.O3 # Docs recommend higher optimization ENV.deparallelize # the yacc command the makefile uses results in build failures: # /usr/bin/bison: missing operand after `awkgram.y' # makefile believes -S to use sprintf instead of sprint, but the # -S flag is not supported by `bison -y` system "make", "CC=#{}", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}", "YACC=yacc -d" bin.install "a.out" => "awk" man1.install "awk.1" end test do assert_match "test", pipe_output("#{bin}/awk '{print $1}'", "test") end end