class Logcheck < Formula desc "Mail anomalies in the system logfiles to the administrator" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "c2d3fc323e8c6555e91d956385dbfd0f67b55872ed0f6a7ad8ad2526a9faf03a" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 3 sha256 "aab0ab066fe378c88c74b9783a90fb0a4896dd3a6258d00b08cd1d0d2987b108" => :el_capitan sha256 "c75e01fb14bdd0adfc04e110a3c8a65d036b9bd71ac03a6ac58d69006a892fe9" => :yosemite sha256 "25f2dfec7bb30fded535bdb354767a2680108dcd93d0627f8384a115c008cf89" => :mavericks end def install inreplace "Makefile", "$(DESTDIR)/$(CONFDIR)", "$(CONFDIR)" # email sent to logcheck mailing list asking whether this patch can land upstream: # inreplace "src/logcheck-test", "mktemp --tmpdir logcheck-test", "mktemp /tmp/logcheck-test" system "make", "install", "--always-make", "DESTDIR=#{prefix}", "SBINDIR=sbin", "BINDIR=bin", "CONFDIR=#{etc}/logcheck" end test do cp HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/"", testpath system "#{sbin}/logtail", "-f", "" end end