class Webdis < Formula desc "Redis HTTP interface with JSON output" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8e46093af006e35354f6b3d58a70e3825cd0c074893be318f1858eddbe1cda86" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "39585b1ba1b3a8e34c2a2d08e6e347284fd3dceca217c83638dfb9fa8e684550" => :el_capitan sha256 "053f0bf229a602f8fae49b654545826d4c95c5c020f50edd71bfc083a4152d93" => :yosemite sha256 "93d36ebff19cbe0c7d50075a3c3c85d3542c105713728808c84bf0d5fa81828f" => :mavericks end depends_on "libevent" def install system "make" bin.install "webdis" inreplace "", "/var/log/webdis.log", "#{var}/log/webdis.log" etc.install "webdis.json", "" end def post_install (var/"log").mkpath end test do begin server = fork do exec "#{bin}/webdis", "#{etc}/webdis.json" end sleep 0.5 # Test that the response is from webdis assert_match(/Server: Webdis/, shell_output("curl --silent -XGET -I http://localhost:7379/PING")) ensure Process.kill "TERM", server Process.wait server end end end