class PaxConstruct < Formula desc "Tools to setup and develop OSGi projects quickly" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d0325bbe571783097d4be782576569ea0a61529695c14e33a86bbebfe44859d1" bottle :unneeded # Needed at runtime! pax-clone: line 47: exec: mvn: not found depends_on "maven" def install rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat"] prefix.install_metafiles "bin" # Don't put these in bin! libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.write_exec_script Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"].select { |f| File.executable? f } end test do ENV.java_cache system bin/"pax-create-project", "-g", "Homebrew", "-a", "testing", "-v", "alpha-1" assert File.exist?("testing/pom.xml") end end