require 'formula' require 'download_strategy' # Normal strategy tries to untar as well class GzipOnlyDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def stage @tarball_path, File.basename(@url) safe_system '/usr/bin/gunzip', '-f', File.basename(@url) end end class TesseractEnglishData < Formula url '', :using => GzipOnlyDownloadStrategy md5 'd91041ad156cf2db36664e91ef799451' version '3.00' end class Tesseract < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'cc812a261088ea0c3d2da735be35d09f' depends_on 'libtiff' fails_with_llvm "Executable 'tesseract' segfaults on 10.6 when compiled with llvm-gcc", :build => "2206" def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" { mv "eng.traineddata", "#{share}/tessdata/" } end def caveats; <<-EOF.undent Tesseract is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine. The easiest way to use it is to convert the source to a Grayscale tiff: `convert source.png -type Grayscale terre_input.tif` then run tesseract: `tesseract terre_input.tif output` EOF end end