class Burp < Formula desc "Network backup and restore" homepage "" revision 1 stable do url "" sha256 "9c0c5298d8c2995d30d4e1a63d2882662e7056ce2b0cee1f65d7d0a6775c0f81" resource "uthash" do url "", :revision => "8b214aefcb81df86a7e5e0d4fa20e59a6c18bc02" end end bottle do sha256 "a028ea604ba4bbb5abe2d9985e94ece9f673cf33e35191063eb91e356923e982" => :catalina sha256 "f45062f56a6cc3bc9ba09b84d9f44e599015387d6d31b0ae8a289fa74a904021" => :mojave sha256 "1855c5623a4d7ec1ed397f2646772d807a127f80f196c41dcae0efe7615afd8d" => :high_sierra sha256 "157aa6cc33291ec50b8597b3bd97b08e0a92f79e634ec122eb0911e86bc395c9" => :sierra end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build resource "uthash" do url "" end end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "librsync" depends_on "openssl@1.1" uses_from_macos "zlib" def install resource("uthash").stage do (buildpath/"uthash/include").install "src/uthash.h" end ENV.prepend "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{buildpath}/uthash/include" system "autoreconf", "-fiv" if build.head? system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}/burp", "--sbindir=#{bin}", "--localstatedir=#{var}" system "make", "install-all" end def post_install (var/"run").mkpath (var/"spool/burp").mkpath end def caveats; <<~EOS Before installing the launchd entry you should configure your burp client in #{etc}/burp/burp.conf EOS end plist_options :startup => true def plist; <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} UserName root KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/burp -a t StartInterval 1200 WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOS end test do system bin/"burp", "-V" end end