class Xdotool < Formula desc "Fake keyboard/mouse input and window management for X" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ddafca1239075c203769c17a5a184587731e56fbe0438c09d08f8af1704e117a" bottle do sha256 "bd900636739173b1da41c392f04145905263c458844cd248f2bf00f3ccdc0d2b" => :catalina sha256 "02edb6e55146177191ec888e7886878b2bf93defb20a2e6a01546bce111859b8" => :mojave sha256 "2f949fc70d828db23364beed16bdbd15c728d790601e5e0a59b110f8f6eb3826" => :high_sierra sha256 "13b1b017e94c76bde510b06427cf517c0d78028994e3b1bb8501ec2cbd5c7ef1" => :sierra sha256 "d7fad4610977a3a5f8879b4f51d35e08e4ef3e65cfbc04353e67bdc14b279867" => :el_capitan sha256 "037a599194a39189e8d8397c358dce21c1425065fdeeb29e59db26b696425f63" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libxkbcommon" depends_on :x11 def install # Work around an issue with Xcode 8 on El Capitan, which # errors out with `typedef redefinition with different types` if MacOS.version == :el_capitan && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "8.0" ENV.delete("SDKROOT") end system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "INSTALLMAN=#{man}", "install" end def caveats; <<~EOS You will probably want to enable XTEST in your X11 server now by running: defaults write org.x.X11 enable_test_extensions -boolean true For the source of this useful hint: EOS end test do system "#{bin}/xdotool", "--version" end end