class Cdrtools < Formula desc "CD/DVD/Blu-ray premastering and recording software" homepage "" revision 1 stable do url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "ed282eb6276c4154ce6a0b5dee0bdb81940d0cbbfc7d03f769c4735ef5f5860f" patch do url "" sha256 "4e07a2be599c0b910ab3401744cec417dbdabf30ea867ee59030a7ad1906498b" end end bottle do sha256 "b5a0c5a733c4f33e3ff186f77eeb54a560b1cc9a0ab4436d05996a92822ca72d" => :el_capitan sha256 "a7514a01e0318ae4a3d992faa39e411b960f1ff9191903c37c0ed6805e6e76f3" => :yosemite sha256 "79aa34f5484ca2b160902805379135d291a22148331ed6247984883d76f6f57d" => :mavericks end devel do url "" mirror "" sha256 "26253ef5e18ea1d86a621f6d32960ebc9ca04037899c65596cfa3f0d56ecf209" end depends_on "smake" => :build conflicts_with "dvdrtools", :because => "both dvdrtools and cdrtools install binaries by the same name" def install # Speed-up the build by skipping the compilation of the profiled libraries. # This could be done by dropping each occurence of * from the definition # of MK_FILES in every lib*/Makefile. But it is much easier to just remove all # lib*/* files. The latter method produces warnings but works fine. rm_f Dir["lib*/*"] system "smake", "INS_BASE=#{prefix}", "INS_RBASE=#{prefix}", "install" # cdrtools tries to install some generic smake headers, libraries and # manpages, which conflict with the copies installed by smake itself (include/"schily").rmtree %w[libschily.a libdeflt.a libfind.a].each do |file| (lib/file).unlink end man5.rmtree end test do system "#{bin}/cdrecord", "-version" system "#{bin}/cdda2wav", "-version" date = shell_output("date") mkdir "subdir" do (testpath/"subdir/testfile.txt").write(date) system "#{bin}/mkisofs", "-r", "-o", "../test.iso", "." end assert (testpath/"test.iso").exist? system "#{bin}/isoinfo", "-R", "-i", "test.iso", "-X" assert (testpath/"testfile.txt").exist? assert_equal date,"testfile.txt") end end