class Md < Formula desc "Process raw dependency files produced by cpp" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e74d93496dd031ffea1ad8995686c1e9369a92de70c4c95a7f6e3d6ce2e7e434" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "6d758b2227eec1332e56fac01eba034ace9df33c424cf8b96523d115342691ac" => :el_capitan sha256 "979e6070affecebf0bcddb24075a3e059c5e4880da1666bb3dc96608f5d7148a" => :yosemite sha256 "5faf5907b69c2a53c9bbbcfcb908d24c222181490b69116e09102212382be5ea" => :mavericks end # OS X up to and including Lion 10.7 includes 'md' keg_only :provided_pre_mountain_lion def install cd "md" do system, ENV.cflags, "-o", "md", "md.c" bin.install "md" man1.install "md.1" end end test do (testpath/"foo.d").write "foo: foo.cpp\n" system "#{bin}/md", "-d", "-u", "Makefile", "foo.d" assert !File.exist?("foo.d") assert File.exist?("Makefile") assert_equal "# Dependencies for File: foo:\nfoo: foo.cpp\n","Makefile") end end