class GitFlow < Formula desc "Extensions to follow Vincent Driessen's branching model" homepage "" stable do # Use the tag instead of the tarball to get submodules url "", :tag => "0.4.1", :revision => "1ffb6b1091f05466d3cd27f2da9c532a38586ed5" resource "completion" do url "" sha256 "1e82d039596c0e73bfc8c59d945ded34e4fce777d9b9bb45c3586ee539048ab9" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "56826b30d91ffb54829f4792f88c673b1c3e748aa662bef5806e4a6f5d0ee015" => :el_capitan sha256 "a5e97d4d5c082194b36c18e7b051c43b2d5b37366b2ac56c5ea9407f6315685b" => :yosemite sha256 "8e931605a0d12cffa282db7244e0041cc14f8a7692e184a6bc1975800be2dac0" => :mavericks sha256 "1ed5c8b915583801fb955e890b758c6d619f8403801dd61c2976a1da314ce5f5" => :mountain_lion end head do url "", :branch => "develop" resource "completion" do url "", :branch => "develop" end end conflicts_with "git-flow-avh", :because => "Both install `git-flow` binaries and completions" def install system "make", "prefix=#{libexec}", "install" bin.write_exec_script libexec/"bin/git-flow" resource("completion").stage do bash_completion.install "git-flow-completion.bash" zsh_completion.install "git-flow-completion.zsh" end end test do system "git", "flow", "init", "-d" assert_equal "develop", shell_output("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip end end