class Tile38 < Formula desc "In-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ff6cd8e35b748e826a7274cdf1ab824cdead5815b55bed892c44383ae2f573b1" head "" bottle do sha256 "0e17d1bdd00ee810ec9ad6e26e507985877838b22c7ff237ce1b73d8872af0f5" => :sierra sha256 "176f578c204d1a80c0ffdf0fd91d3c85a65b4e7ed7e44a7a5578f8ddf9e971be" => :el_capitan sha256 "a26ab545db5d385ed8dcee91556b9e173629943036a38c7e54f05d767f4cfb6a" => :yosemite end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "godep" => :build def datadir var/"tile38/data" end def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath system "make" bin.install "tile38-cli", "tile38-server" end def post_install # Make sure the data directory exists datadir.mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Data directory created at #{datadir}. To start the server: tile38-server -d #{datadir} To connect: tile38-cli EOS end test do system bin/"tile38-cli", "-h" end end