class Ncftp < Formula desc "FTP client with an advanced user interface" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ac111b71112382853b2835c42ebe7bd59acb7f85dd00d44b2c19fbd074a436c4" bottle do sha256 "70199e4db05dd77686e0256f0c19ac8082b8bf59ec9285df8688fb5d22640d42" => :sierra sha256 "8e1bdefb84fcd91f461441d5c45d33536807b0c4fe661c626645cd9ffe04b03a" => :el_capitan sha256 "50fb345b28bc8a20d2877d67108f87c9544568de9e27ae7a3545da3af3cb0b35" => :yosemite sha256 "07a73c0ac7005566895f7e42f4a1d1b8295a9cdc03ec7986028ae783313e428f" => :mavericks sha256 "e59965dc867f70420046475b30829cad0b334bc687e18362918fdfbab7521b59" => :mountain_lion end def install # "disable universal" doesn't seem to work. # If ncftp detects the 10.4 SDK, it will try to use GCC 4.0 which doesn't # support all of the compiler flags we set. # So, just disable optimizations intead. ENV.no_optimization system "./configure", "--disable-universal", "--disable-precomp", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/ncftp", "-F" end end