require 'formula' class Gfortran < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '810fb70bd721e1d9f446b6503afe0a9088b62986' bottle do revision 1 sha1 'b0e7a0c7b6b0472b6cea9e73b2312df48f7c6c82' => :mavericks sha1 '45d4f1b8c492a7c5abd67685a9bbfc408e474458' => :mountain_lion sha1 '2d09223b679cdaa28fe3d9c192b65cec56353db9' => :lion end option 'enable-profiled-build', 'Make use of profile guided optimization when bootstrapping GCC' option 'check', 'Run the make check fortran. This is for maintainers.' option 'enable-multilib', 'Build with multilib support' if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? depends_on 'gmp' depends_on 'libmpc' depends_on 'mpfr' depends_on 'cloog' depends_on 'isl' # depends_on 'dejagnu' if build.include? 'check' def install # Sandbox the GCC lib, libexec and include directories so they don't wander # around telling small children there is no Santa Claus. This results in a # partially keg-only brew following suggestions outlined in the "How to # install multiple versions of GCC" section of the GCC FAQ: # gfortran_prefix = prefix/'gfortran' args = [ # Sandbox everything... "--prefix=#{gfortran_prefix}", # ...except the stuff in share... "--datarootdir=#{share}", # ...and the binaries... "--bindir=#{bin}", "--enable-languages=fortran", "--with-system-zlib", # ...opt_prefix survives upgrades and works even if `brew unlink gmp` "--with-gmp=#{Formula['gmp'].opt_prefix}", "--with-mpfr=#{Formula['mpfr'].opt_prefix}", "--with-mpc=#{Formula['libmpc'].opt_prefix}", "--with-cloog=#{Formula['cloog'].opt_prefix}", "--with-isl=#{Formula['isl'].opt_prefix}", # ...and disable isl and cloog version checks in case they upgrade "--disable-cloog-version-check", "--disable-isl-version-check", # ...we build the stage 1 gcc with clang (which is know to fail checks) "--enable-checking=release", "--disable-stage1-checking", # ...speed up build by stop building libstdc++-v3 "--disable-libstdcxx", "--enable-lto", # ...disable translations avoid conflict with brew install gcc --enable-nls '--disable-nls' ] # if build.include? 'enable-multilib' and MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << '--enable-multilib' else args << '--disable-multilib' end mkdir 'build' do unless MacOS::CLT.installed? # For Xcode-only systems, we need to tell the sysroot path. # 'native-system-header's will be appended args << "--with-native-system-header-dir=/usr/include" args << "--with-sysroot=#{MacOS.sdk_path}" end system '../configure', *args if build.include? 'enable-profiled-build' # Takes longer to build, may bug out. Provided for those who want to # optimise all the way to 11. system 'make profiledbootstrap' else system 'make bootstrap' end system "make" system "make check-fortran" if build.include? 'check' system 'make install' end # This package installs a whole GCC suite. Removing non-fortran components: bin.children.reject{ |p| p.basename.to_s.match(/gfortran/) }.each(&:unlink) info.children.reject{ |p| p.basename.to_s.match(/gfortran/) }.each(&:unlink) man1.children.reject{ |p| p.basename.to_s.match(/gfortran/) }.each(&:unlink) man7.rmtree # dupes: fsf fundraising and gpl (share/"gcc-#{version}").rmtree # dupes: libstdc++ pretty printer, will be added by gcc* formula end test do fixture = <<-EOS.undent integer,parameter::m=10000 real::a(m), b(m) real::fact=0.5 do concurrent (i=1:m) a(i) = a(i) + fact*b(i) end do print *, "done" end EOS Pathname('in.f90').write(fixture) system "#{bin}/gfortran -c in.f90" system "#{bin}/gfortran -o test in.o" assert_equal 'done', `./test`.strip end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Formulae that require a Fortran compiler should use: depends_on :fortran EOS end end