class Nvc < Formula desc "VHDL compiler and simulator" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "a60478636268a7d1cad2d1c90e775cfd938199dba6b9c407badbef32753dc30f" # Fixes nickg/nvc#265 # nvc needs external vhdl libraries at build # PR adds https and checksums to the download script - patch do url "" sha256 "68cc9d23c286945a63464f9aa71d25d1e1b140e4652845c837cae3babbc45ab6" end end bottle do sha256 "63d766663a4aed43ba91d853abc4f6e23423c8fbcc07e6fffe1d558e886bdd57" => :sierra sha256 "e21c764dae84a026ca2c69e6040303bb501022e525d49e9130331d5c95b02ca9" => :el_capitan sha256 "5a5fb69e028a07bcde7c1010ea67ee51c5e8f72be81982d50f5f17f3595dd003" => :yosemite end head do url "" depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build end depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "check" => :build resource "vim-hdl-examples" do url "", :revision => "232d28a9279bc80d2797afef212749434a78be6a" end def install args = %W[ --with-llvm=#{Formula["llvm"].opt_bin}/llvm-config --prefix=#{prefix} ] system "./" unless build.stable? system "./tools/" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do resource("vim-hdl-examples").stage testpath system "#{bin}/nvc", "-a", "#{testpath}/basic_library/very_common_pkg.vhd" end end