class BerkeleyDb < Formula desc "High performance key/value database" homepage "" # Requires registration to download so we mirror it url "" mirror "" sha256 "fa1fe7de9ba91ad472c25d026f931802597c29f28ae951960685cde487c8d654" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "eb5d0a59cec0fab48a0539f96195b1890599603577ca1792f831085418b19707" => :mojave sha256 "fa53aeeca3bef551d9f604b5eafb6b94bf1f14b95530a8d16e243fb7c2ad790e" => :high_sierra sha256 "1b3c06f6d3b1f45180068cb7127508072ed661e981e922dd273d6faef0030bc1" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl@1.1" def install # BerkeleyDB dislikes parallel builds ENV.deparallelize # --enable-compat185 is necessary because our build shadows # the system berkeley db 1.x args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{prefix} --mandir=#{man} --enable-cxx --enable-compat185 --enable-sql --enable-sql_codegen --enable-dbm --enable-stl ] # BerkeleyDB requires you to build everything from the build_unix subdirectory cd "build_unix" do system "../dist/configure", *args system "make", "install" # use the standard docs location doc.parent.mkpath mv prefix/"docs", doc end end test do (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include #include #include int main() { Db db(NULL, 0); assert(, "test.db", NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0) == 0); const char *project = "Homebrew"; const char *stored_description = "The missing package manager for macOS"; Dbt key(const_cast(project), strlen(project) + 1); Dbt stored_data(const_cast(stored_description), strlen(stored_description) + 1); assert(db.put(NULL, &key, &stored_data, DB_NOOVERWRITE) == 0); Dbt returned_data; assert(db.get(NULL, &key, &returned_data, 0) == 0); assert(strcmp(stored_description, (const char *)(returned_data.get_data())) == 0); assert(db.close(0) == 0); } EOS flags = %W[ -I#{include} -L#{lib} -ldb_cxx ] system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", "-o", "test", *flags system "./test" assert_predicate testpath/"test.db", :exist? end end