require 'formula' class Bazaar < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '7e2776e3aaf8fb48828026d3fc2a3047465eea5e' option "system", "Install using the OS X system Python." def install ENV.j1 # Builds aren't parallel-safe # Make and install man page first system "make man1/bzr.1" man1.install "man1/bzr.1" if build.include? "system" ENV.prepend "PATH", "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin", ":" end # Find the arch for the Python we are building against. # We remove 'ppc' support, so we can pass Intel-optimized CFLAGS. if build.include? "system" python_cmd = "/usr/bin/python" else python_cmd = "python" end archs = archs_for_command(python_cmd) archs.remove_ppc! ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = archs.as_arch_flags system "make" inreplace "bzr", "#! /usr/bin/env python", "#!/usr/bin/python" if build.include? "system" libexec.install 'bzr', 'bzrlib' bin.install_symlink libexec+'bzr' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent We've built a "standalone" version of bazaar and installed its libraries to: #{libexec} We've specifically kept it out of your Python's "site-packages" folder. EOS end end