class Rinetd < Formula desc "Internet TCP redirection server" homepage "" url "" version "0.62" sha256 "0c68d27c5bd4b16ce4f58a6db514dd6ff37b2604a88b02c1dfcdc00fc1059898" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7bbeb35182819c5ffd0aabc81020332b0763642dcb791657e8a54e64a18686d8" => :el_capitan sha256 "ee8653ffad51210e68b26e6f43a34f580180aed315b050ca48cd0adcadd3e6b0" => :yosemite sha256 "07cbd9a185d1b3698078fd26737af105cfe31a2eb2d1a4b229e9878561f162ef" => :mavericks sha256 "2ed57913af533cd7778526ff633b24dbaf753558293d472d81d03ffacd9e869e" => :mountain_lion end def install inreplace "rinetd.c" do |s| s.gsub! "/etc/rinetd.conf", "#{etc}/rinetd.conf" s.gsub! "/var/run/", "#{var}/" end inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "/usr/sbin", sbin s.gsub! "/usr/man", man end sbin.mkpath man8.mkpath system "make", "install" conf = etc/"rinetd.conf" unless conf.exist? conf.write <<-EOS.undent # forwarding rules go here # # you may specify allow and deny rules after a specific forwarding rule # to apply to only that forwarding rule # # bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport EOS end end test do system "#{sbin}/rinetd", "-h" end end