class Rock < Formula desc "ooc compiler written in ooc" homepage "" url "" sha256 "39ac190ee457b2ea3c650973899bcf8930daab5b9e7e069eb1bc437a08e8b6e8" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "41ded9856a5ee5c923dc04e0d68b49bae33fb779457b1039882065ae312ef120" => :sierra sha256 "69c9bbe1cd72a1b0249d0d1504923bbba852d5aa51a7d9742228c9fe793bd0ec" => :el_capitan sha256 "3f95d26a49ed30031fd77e9d0e439a6366947201dfc6fd1393ebe5e2924d13d8" => :yosemite sha256 "3236af05000a82c81e428244840ca8c2047ca9608b9855998aeb15a78fe1d9e5" => :mavericks sha256 "34308d7af495565e3b9bc274615e0e5412a3721fc538ce73f68d973b1cb23a6a" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "bdw-gc" def install # make rock using provided bootstrap ENV["OOC_LIBS"] = prefix system "make", "rescue" bin.install "bin/rock" man1.install "docs/rock.1" # install misc authorship files & rock binary in place # copy the sdk, libs and docs prefix.install "rock.use", "sdk.use", "sdk-net.use", "sdk-dynlib.use", "pcre.use", "sdk", "" doc.install Dir["docs/*"] end test do (testpath/"hello.ooc").write <<-EOS.undent import os/Time Time dateTime() println() EOS system "#{bin}/rock", "--run", "hello.ooc" end end