class Mp3check < Formula desc "Tool to check mp3 files for consistency" homepage "" url "" sha256 "27d976ad8495671e9b9ce3c02e70cb834d962b6fdf1a7d437bb0e85454acdd0e" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "2846b7bd6201b58c40ce9b6193a929c5404fcbe77e97854876e53bba5c9d0d82" => :sierra sha256 "d63ba27cfd87cf1f8b1871fe8b0531882c037f116933cbc59caf429dfeaab735" => :el_capitan sha256 "5fd629e626c6227789c894f1fcf32e076118fd4fe9136e974610ef42135a4ddf" => :yosemite sha256 "ef678ca85ee3272b05e442ae13f319a1ab2868bc6ff9aa3cc84ae3bca0f98ad5" => :mavericks end def install ENV.deparallelize # The makefile's install target is kinda iffy, but there's # only one file to install so it's easier to do it ourselves system "make" bin.install "mp3check" end test do assert version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/mp3check --version") end end