class Folly < Formula desc "Collection of reusable C++ library artifacts developed at Facebook" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d3d5b653070bd21e8b1f0bfc26a28bb0948fd6d81a5db67bed60659e9dabb547" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "a0763bdb46878f3ca9559a4b5045abee55f4f30d9541eecfcf84e9718272765d" => :high_sierra sha256 "764986fbe3dba7bd50f384bd7468e1048ef37ab25427dab96a3c622cfa967fba" => :sierra sha256 "a7d1717d60a9657c5d2d2fe7fab834a8d1458cf0d8109fd636dbe5e386d67107" => :el_capitan end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "double-conversion" depends_on "glog" depends_on "gflags" depends_on "boost" depends_on "libevent" depends_on "xz" depends_on "snappy" depends_on "lz4" depends_on "openssl" # depends_on :macos => :el_capitan needs :cxx11 # Known issue upstream. They're working on it: # fails_with :gcc => "6" # Remove for > 2018.05.07.00 # Fix build failure "error: no matching function for call to 'min'" # Upstream commit from 7 May 2018 "Use size_t for # ThreadPoolExecutor::getPendingTaskCountImpl" patch do url "" sha256 "b72c88b081f204caddfd4fd2e7b49f43bbad7cc15f6214793993204ddafd405d" end # Remove for > 2018.05.07.00 # Fixes an issue with the first patch above # Upstream commit from 8 May 2018 "Fix ThreadPoolExecutor::getPendingTaskCount decl" patch do url "" sha256 "2216295c4155b64e3d6130e049fac77c1ecf4b10209dfb688285d4d4c17bd3dc" end def install ENV.cxx11 cd "folly" do system "autoreconf", "-fvi" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-silent-rules", "--disable-dependency-tracking" system "make" system "make", "install" end end test do (testpath/"").write <<~EOS #include int main() { folly::fbvector numbers({0, 1, 2, 3}); numbers.reserve(10); for (int i = 4; i < 10; i++) { numbers.push_back(i * 2); } assert(numbers[6] == 12); return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "-std=c++11", "", "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lfolly", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end