class IronFunctions < Formula desc "Go version of the IronFunctions command-line tools" homepage "" url "" sha256 "92814a6049b20d7e6a9c3653a25484a50808a080603251bea6c63b0caa074d91" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "831bf1e125e7f98e4a954a9cd2643ed5d8da0ca875755ea41d4e3e13a51cd3a1" => :high_sierra sha256 "93a44cadfc23f995d90985c5ba9282dc8d95ddf202ec9227109178231e0efc11" => :sierra sha256 "de0f0b61cac685f7942a0491fd8dcd2f56de4b367afa081e8b7654c42a9116f5" => :el_capitan end depends_on "dep" => :build depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath dir = buildpath/"src/" dir.install Dir["*"] cd dir/"fn" do system "make", "dep" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"fn" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do expected = <<~EOS runtime: go func.yaml created. EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/fn init --runtime go user/some 2>&1") assert_equal expected, output end end