class Haproxy < Formula desc "Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "6648dd7d6b958d83dd7101eab5792178212a66c884bec0ebcd8abc39df83bb78" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "54186ef7f1bcb8b4941fde67f7750be624330eadb742621426c99555fd9f80d0" => :yosemite sha256 "07bb7176d3a17cf3b8e3d4c4c41270222b4ba64f6356bb8d995850ad5c4b6812" => :mavericks sha256 "659b784880a552de4cb8206900ad0eca5e3505644dc1e4e8e3fcb3f4d6d6f24f" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "openssl" depends_on "pcre" def install args = %w[ TARGET=generic USE_KQUEUE=1 USE_POLL=1 USE_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1 ADDLIB=-lcrypto ] # We build generic since the Makefile.osx doesn't appear to work system "make", "CC=#{}", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}", "LDFLAGS=#{ENV.ldflags}", *args man1.install "doc/haproxy.1" bin.install "haproxy" end test do system bin/"haproxy", "-v" end end