class Dmd < Formula desc "D programming language compiler for OS X" homepage "" revision 1 stable do url "" sha256 "22f47168af3f4106668f816c0e7a99b8db364fbe5324a5e763a209b9e74c0ee8" resource "druntime" do url "" sha256 "7ef1290d8482af5eb9d9744ca133488a3320db2a657bc5a9fdff846f56ba53f3" end resource "phobos" do url "" sha256 "b5cb9559b01e713ac1dd282648710d4a78f8228da778b4508a7b302877b82b6c" end resource "tools" do url "" sha256 "a2864c8b440fec843d80f70e13ab8e7873f370d5bcca56fe272d94e3ba9afb77" end end bottle do sha256 "ee1163af3c5090e2e397a80bf97d5360b1a9da061690632124336b0a986cff32" => :el_capitan sha256 "355a7466679114275ff57cea14aba902f2a947653c883f177e61efa093b38694" => :yosemite sha256 "963c68712d2fbdb1b1e6ef67ead28cc44a4949dd660a1e121c2c20efcdc7c1ca" => :mavericks end head do url "" resource "druntime" do url "" end resource "phobos" do url "" end resource "tools" do url "" end end def install make_args = ["INSTALL_DIR=#{prefix}", "MODEL=#{Hardware::CPU.bits}", "-f", "posix.mak"] system "make", "SYSCONFDIR=#{etc}", "TARGET_CPU=X86", "AUTO_BOOTSTRAP=1", "RELEASE=1", *make_args bin.install "src/dmd" prefix.install "samples" man.install Dir["docs/man/*"] # A proper dmd.conf is required for later build steps: conf = buildpath/"dmd.conf" # Can't use opt_include or opt_lib here because dmd won't have been # linked into opt by the time this build runs: conf.write <<-EOS.undent [Environment] DFLAGS=-I#{include}/dlang/dmd -L-L#{lib} EOS etc.install conf install_new_dmd_conf make_args.unshift "DMD=#{bin}/dmd" (buildpath/"druntime").install resource("druntime") (buildpath/"phobos").install resource("phobos") system "make", "-C", "druntime", *make_args system "make", "-C", "phobos", "VERSION=#{buildpath}/VERSION", *make_args (include/"dlang/dmd").install Dir["druntime/import/*"] cp_r ["phobos/std", "phobos/etc"], include/"dlang/dmd" lib.install Dir["druntime/lib/*", "phobos/**/libphobos2.a"] resource("tools").stage do inreplace "posix.mak", "install: $(TOOLS) $(CURL_TOOLS)", "install: $(TOOLS) $(ROOT)/dustmite" system "make", "install", *make_args end end # Previous versions of this formula may have left in place an incorrect # dmd.conf. If it differs from the newly generated one, move it out of place # and warn the user. # This must be idempotent because it may run from both install() and # post_install() if the user is running `brew install --build-from-source`. def install_new_dmd_conf conf = etc/"dmd.conf" # If the new file differs from conf, etc.install drops it here: new_conf = etc/"dmd.conf.default" # Else, we're already using the latest version: return unless new_conf.exist? backup = etc/"dmd.conf.old" opoo "An old dmd.conf was found and will be moved to #{backup}." mv conf, backup mv new_conf, conf end def post_install install_new_dmd_conf end test do system bin/"dmd", prefix/"samples/hello.d" system "./hello" end end