class Pari < Formula desc "Computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4a6532b3c77350363fa618ead5cd794a172d7b7e5757a28f7788e658b5469339" bottle do sha256 "a88f042d922a2293a48da12db2d31c0e85042e9bf16ced84cd71eff17139275c" => :mojave sha256 "5d81ced4deafdd19a9bed498f7a4258865b44bb155d347c038c3dc15c3ed8bd9" => :high_sierra sha256 "342bc9f70a5203b9c73657353b30b2873f3b4c369aeeb1cfb258b33bfec4cf4c" => :sierra end depends_on "gmp" depends_on "readline" depends_on :x11 def install readline = Formula["readline"].opt_prefix gmp = Formula["gmp"].opt_prefix system "./Configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-gmp=#{gmp}", "--with-readline=#{readline}" # make needs to be done in two steps system "make", "all" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"math.tex").write "$k_{n+1} = n^2 + k_n^2 - k_{n-1}$" system bin/"tex2mail", testpath/"math.tex" end end