class Llnode < Formula desc "LLDB plugin for live/post-mortem debugging of node.js apps" homepage "" url "" sha256 "88eeb3293a9b60b3f2299e4263217b2794573e3d2a1113abe2eab37d1c01a7a2" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "dd491bbdb5a73849c1f34493c2b8c7c06eca406e05c8e9744d9a6247aa48c93e" => :el_capitan sha256 "a6f1a6eb46a9d6c0d2f3c89c4f75ecd00b59e6b16b541087518fed4bfe5ae189" => :yosemite end depends_on :macos => :yosemite depends_on :python => :build resource "gyp" do url "", :revision => "db72e9fcf55ba9d8089f0bc7e447180f8972b5c0" end resource "lldb" do url "", :revision => "839b868e2993dcffc7fea898a1167f1cec097a82" end def install (buildpath/"lldb").install resource("lldb") (buildpath/"tools/gyp").install resource("gyp") system "./gyp_llnode" system "make", "-C", "out/" prefix.install "out/Release/llnode.dylib" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent `brew install llnode` does not link the plugin to LLDB PlugIns dir. To load this plugin in LLDB, one will need to either * Type `plugin load #{opt_prefix}/llnode.dylib` on each run of lldb * Install plugin into PlugIns dir manually: mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\\ Support/LLDB/PlugIns ln -sf #{opt_prefix}/llnode.dylib \\ ~/Library/Application\\ Support/LLDB/PlugIns/ EOS end test do lldb_out = pipe_output "lldb", <<-EOS.undent plugin load #{opt_prefix}/llnode.dylib help v8 quit EOS assert_match /v8 bt/, lldb_out end end