class Gcsfuse < Formula desc "User-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4f994d694a12691b7ea5bd293c50ba4a37bc329cf531780015daf0a5fd265b30" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "0f77f535e3f254ee258ff0fc2789c3e3cbdcd5ae82752f20ba4b9d81f08b9784" => :catalina sha256 "34f2669361a227f30c00f70aa0e8787a049c845ef4ad010a5adcd98fecf3db34" => :mojave sha256 "6edf61db4afc7f42c57b2dd4867e8ca80224b5c924c5d1e8d5bfea9b24abf4a3" => :high_sierra end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on :osxfuse def install # Build the build_gcsfuse tool. Ensure that it doesn't pick up any # libraries from the user's GOPATH; it should have no dependencies. ENV.delete("GOPATH") system "go", "build", "./tools/build_gcsfuse" # Use that tool to build gcsfuse itself. if build.head? gcsfuse_version = `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.strip else gcsfuse_version = version end system "./build_gcsfuse", buildpath, prefix, gcsfuse_version end test do system "#{bin}/gcsfuse", "--help" system "#{sbin}/mount_gcsfuse", "--help" end end