require 'formula' class Gdal < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '25efd2bffdea2e841377ca8c1fd49d89d02ac87e' bottle do sha1 "e6f7fd48a09a28796d3f721d0c208dd15a1310bb" => :mavericks sha1 "2e9f478b59008df1b96461a55a031522ab0ba7ad" => :mountain_lion sha1 "319300ab6951e4b25feb8475e28ac66deb16811a" => :lion end head do url '' depends_on 'doxygen' => :build end option 'complete', 'Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers.' option 'enable-opencl', 'Build with OpenCL acceleration.' option 'enable-armadillo', 'Build with Armadillo accelerated TPS transforms.' option 'enable-unsupported', "Allow configure to drag in any library it can find. Invoke this at your own risk." option 'enable-mdb', 'Build with Access MDB driver (requires Java 1.6+ JDK/JRE, from Apple or Oracle).' option "with-libkml", "Build with Google's libkml driver (requires libkml --HEAD or >= 1.3)" depends_on :python => :optional if build.with? "python" depends_on :fortran => :build end depends_on 'libpng' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'giflib' depends_on 'libtiff' depends_on 'libgeotiff' depends_on 'proj' depends_on 'geos' depends_on 'sqlite' # To ensure compatibility with SpatiaLite. depends_on 'freexl' depends_on 'libspatialite' depends_on "postgresql" => :optional depends_on "mysql" => :optional depends_on 'homebrew/science/armadillo' if build.include? 'enable-armadillo' if build.with? "libkml" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end if build.include? 'complete' # Raster libraries depends_on "homebrew/science/netcdf" # Also brings in HDF5 depends_on "jasper" depends_on "webp" depends_on "cfitsio" depends_on "epsilon" depends_on "libdap" # Vector libraries depends_on "unixodbc" # OS X version is not complete enough depends_on "xerces-c" # Other libraries depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils depends_on "poppler" depends_on "json-c" end # Extra linking libraries in configure test of armadillo may throw warning # see: # including prefix lib dir added by Homebrew: # ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/Cellar/gdal/1.11.0/lib' patch do url "" sha1 "3af1cae94a977d55541adba0d86c697d77bd1320" end if build.include? "enable-armadillo" resource 'numpy' do url '' sha1 '8fe1d5f36bab3f1669520b4c7d8ab59a21a984da' end resource "libkml" do # Until 1.3 is stable, use master branch url "", :revision => "9b50572641f671194e523ad21d0171ea6537426e" version "1.3-dev" end def get_configure_args args = [ # Base configuration. "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--disable-debug", "--with-local=#{prefix}", "--with-threads", "--with-libtool", # GDAL native backends. "--with-pcraster=internal", "--with-pcidsk=internal", "--with-bsb", "--with-grib", "--with-pam", # Backends supported by OS X. "--with-libiconv-prefix=/usr", "--with-libz=/usr", "--with-png=#{Formula["libpng"].opt_prefix}", "--with-expat=/usr", "--with-curl=/usr/bin/curl-config", # Default Homebrew backends. "--with-jpeg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--without-jpeg12", # Needs specially configured JPEG and TIFF libraries. "--with-gif=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-libtiff=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-geotiff=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-sqlite3=#{Formula["sqlite"].opt_prefix}", "--with-freexl=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-spatialite=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-geos=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/geos-config", "--with-static-proj4=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-libjson-c=#{Formula["json-c"].opt_prefix}", # GRASS backend explicitly disabled. Creates a chicken-and-egg problem. # Should be installed separately after GRASS installation using the # official GDAL GRASS plugin. "--without-grass", "--without-libgrass" ] # Optional Homebrew packages supporting additional formats. supported_backends = %w[ liblzma cfitsio hdf5 netcdf jasper xerces odbc dods-root epsilon webp poppler ] if build.include? 'complete' supported_backends.delete 'liblzma' args << '--with-liblzma=yes' args.concat {|b| '--with-' + b + '=' + HOMEBREW_PREFIX} else args.concat {|b| '--without-' + b} unless build.include? 'enable-unsupported' end # The following libraries are either proprietary, not available for public # download or have no stable version in the Homebrew core that is # compatible with GDAL. Interested users will have to install such software # manually and most likely have to tweak the install routine. # # Podofo is disabled because Poppler provides the same functionality and # then some. unsupported_backends = %w[ gta ogdi fme hdf4 openjpeg fgdb ecw kakadu mrsid jp2mrsid mrsid_lidar msg oci ingres dwgdirect idb sde podofo rasdaman sosi ] args.concat {|b| '--without-' + b} unless build.include? 'enable-unsupported' # Database support. args << (build.with?("postgresql") ? "--with-pg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" : "--without-pg") args << (build.with?("mysql") ? "--with-mysql=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/mysql_config" : "--without-mysql") if build.include? 'enable-mdb' args << "--with-java=yes" # The rpath is only embedded for Oracle (non-framework) installs args << "--with-jvm-lib-add-rpath=yes" args << "--with-mdb=yes" end args << "--with-libkml=#{libexec}" if build.with? "libkml" # Python is installed manually to ensure everything is properly sandboxed. args << '--without-python' # Scripting APIs that have not been re-worked to respect Homebrew prefixes. # # Currently disabled as they install willy-nilly into locations outside of # the Homebrew prefix. Enable if you feel like it, but uninstallation may be # a manual affair. # # TODO: Fix installation of script bindings so they install into the # Homebrew prefix. args << "--without-perl" args << "--without-php" args << "--without-ruby" args << (build.include?("enable-opencl") ? "--with-opencl" : "--without-opencl") args << (build.include?("enable-armadillo") ? "--with-armadillo=#{Formula["armadillo"].opt_prefix}" : "--with-armadillo=no") return args end def install if build.with? 'python' ENV.prepend_create_path 'PYTHONPATH', libexec+'lib/python2.7/site-packages' numpy_args = [ "build", "--fcompiler=gnu95", "install", "--prefix=#{libexec}" ] resource('numpy').stage { system "python", "", *numpy_args } end if build.with? "libkml" resource("libkml").stage do # See main `libkml` formula for info on patches inreplace "", "-Werror", "" inreplace "third_party/" do |s| s.sub! /(lib_LTLIBRARIES =), "\\1" s.sub! /(noinst_LTLIBRARIES =, "\\1" s.sub! /(libminizip_la_LDFLAGS =)/, "\\1 -static" s.sub! /(liburiparser_la_LDFLAGS =)/, "\\1 -static" end system "./" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{libexec}" system "make", "install" end end # Linking flags for SQLite are not added at a critical moment when the GDAL # library is being assembled. This causes the build to fail due to missing # symbols. Also, ensure Homebrew SQLite is used so that Spatialite is # functional. # # Fortunately, this can be remedied using LDFLAGS. sqlite = Formula["sqlite"] ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{sqlite.opt_lib} -lsqlite3" ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-I#{sqlite.opt_include}" # Needed by libdap ENV.libxml2 if build.include? 'complete' # Reset ARCHFLAGS to match how we build. ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = "-arch #{MacOS.preferred_arch}" # Fix hardcoded mandir: inreplace 'configure', %r[^mandir='\$\{prefix\}/man'$], '' # These libs are statically linked in vendored libkml and libkml formula inreplace "configure", " -lminizip -luriparser", "" if build.with? "libkml" system "./configure", *get_configure_args system "make" system "make install" # `python-config` may try to talk us into building bindings for more # architectures than we really should. if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ENV.append_to_cflags "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}" else ENV.append_to_cflags "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit}" end cd 'swig/python' do system "python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--record=installed.txt", "--single-version-externally-managed" bin.install Dir['scripts/*'] end system 'make', 'man' if build.head? system 'make', 'install-man' # Clean up any stray doxygen files. Dir.glob("#{bin}/*.dox") { |p| rm p } end def caveats if build.include? 'enable-mdb' <<-EOS.undent To have a functional MDB driver, install supporting .jar files in: `/Library/Java/Extensions/` See: `` EOS end end test do # basic tests to see if third-party dylibs are loading OK system "#{bin}/gdalinfo", "--formats" system "#{bin}/ogrinfo", "--formats" end end