class Texinfo < Formula desc "Official documentation format of the GNU project" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "6b8ca30e9b6f093b54fe04439e5545e564c63698a806a48065c0bba16994cf74" bottle do revision 1 sha256 "c32217fe9d506df49481730dd580a9207931a13c4e0ade3e9caaf83feeaeaba7" => :yosemite sha256 "84d4e2ff689f10d2a68bdd42ccf0726306e74314378d2dd2c78e52fe58945dd3" => :mavericks sha256 "73e86c31e3ae5a971e8bc4f5a5f2823a2f3858ee166f5cdd2cf11a4ac7036728" => :mountain_lion end keg_only :provided_by_osx, <<-EOS.undent Software that uses TeX, such as lilypond and octave, require a newer version of these files. EOS def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-install-warnings", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.texinfo").write <<-EOS.undent @ifnottex @node Top @top Hello World! @end ifnottex @bye EOS system "#{bin}/makeinfo", "test.texinfo" assert_match /Hello World!/,"") end end